What's the scoop on Pizza?
For over a decade, St. John's has been offering Pizza Wednesdays to our students. We have partnered with Lamppost Pizza to bring fresh cheese and pepperoni pizza and salad every Wednesday to our campus. The Pizza Wednesday program is run by 7th and 8th grade parents, earning them credit towards their student's DC trip in 8th grade.
Pizza Wednesdays will run from September 4, 2024 through May 21, 2025. PLEASE NOTE: this means there is NO PIZZA LUNCH the first two weeks of the school year or the last week of the school year. There will be no pizza lunch during Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter break.
To order, simply click on the Annual, Semester, or Quarterly option on the left. The Annual option will only be available for the first two weeks of school. After that, only the Semester and Quarterly options will be available.
*We have several teachers with the same last name this year, so be sure to choose your student's GRADE and TEACHER from the drop-down menu.
If you have any questions about the program or your order, you can reach us at pizzadesk@gmail.com
PQ1: Sep. 4 - Oct. 9 (order deadline 8/30)
PQ2: Oct. 16 - Dec. 18 (order deadline 10/11)
PQ3: Jan. 8 - Mar. 12 (order deadline 1/3)
PQ4: Mar. 19 - May 21 (order deadline 3/14)
When ordering, please make sure that you enter a student name for EACH order. Also be sure to select the correct teacher/grade from the drop down menu. This really helps with our check in process.
NO Refunds or Changes to Orders, so please place your orders carefully and double-check your selection.
Any questions please email pizzadesk@gmail.com